Monday 29 June 2015

Experiment 3
The Bridge
Final Submission

Image Captures and The Architecture

The building is connected by an elevated, enclosed stairway from the main walkway. 

 The multiple layers of the building reinforce the notion of multi-story, high density environments.

The long horizontal windows connect the people in the building with the surrounding environment.

Computer room




Lecture Theatre

The Moving Elements

The creation of a complex micro-climate requires the self-sustainability of a structure. To fulfill this another moving element is utilised in the form of moving solar panels. The elevation of the solar panels are shifted by cylindrical actuators that change the angle of the solar panels to maximise the amount of sunlight they receive, depending on the location of the sun.

Position of solar panels in the morning

Position of solar panels in the afternoon

To facilitate the operation of high rise buildings, an efficient mechanism for transport is required.
The elevators carrying people from the ground level to the top is an essential moving element required for a building focused on increasing the human density of area.

Elevator delivers from the ground floor...

... to the top floor

Stairs accessorise the elevator, providing access to floors unaccessible via the elevator

3D warehouse Link

Lumion folder Dropbox Link

36 Custom Textures

Textures Used

 1. Scalar

2. Linear

3. Fluidity

18 Sketch Perspectives

The Mashup of Three Articles

Ultra-deep basements and buildings with their own complex micro-climates are required as the experts say future homes may have as many floors below ground as they do above. Urban high rise farms where crops and animals are kept in tall, layered, space-saving structures were seen as one of the most likely to be implemented.  Advances in technology and science would allow for revolutionary developments in the way we live. Therefore we must produce buildings better integrated with surrounding communities and physical contexts. reinforce existing urban assets, such as green corridors and cultural event spaces, whilst responding to topography and natural patterns.

Sunday 10 May 2015

Experiment 2 Submission

18 Sketch Axonometrics:

Daniel Libeskind 

Violence between order and disorder

Challenge perception of verticality

Interwoven forms creating layered spaces

Hans Scharon

Contrast and connectedness

Sequential Spaces

Centripetal and Centrifug

Parallel Projections

Daniel Libeskind: "Violence between order and disorder" 
+Hans Sharon: "Contrast and connectedness"
=To create order for a present born from a contrasting past, by connecting the disorder.

Daniel Libeskind: "Interwoven forms creating layered spaces"
+Hans Sharon: "Centripetal and Centrifugal"
=Combine forms of inner and outer to create ordered space.

The Parallel Projection used and Electroliquid Aggregation

Daniel Libeskind: "Challenge Perception of Verticality"
+Hans Scharon: "Sequential spaces"
=Challenge outward perceptions to remember the past and become a guide for a greater future.

36 Textures

Textures Used



The Image Captured and Architecture
The Marker

Sketchup 3D Viewer

Lumion folder link: